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Environmental Consultant

As I enthusiastically begin my new work as an environmental consultant, I look forward to working with organizations to help determine the best way forward with challenges and complex situations that affect quality of life within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. To give you an idea of the type of work I do, here are a few examples of projects I have worked on:

  • Advise a state government on ways to integrate and implement policy across multiple agencies in conjunction with Smart Growth America

  • Advise a Friends of a Park organization about how to develop a capital campaign strategy to raise funds to renovate a historically significant building.

  • Assist a non-profit to identify its unique identity in a crowded field for purposes of maximizing limited communications resources.

  • Advise about how to most effectively streamline and improve regulatory programs

  • Develop training programs in certain areas -- for example, environmental law for engineers.

  • Facilitation related to controversial issues

  • Manage hiring of a new Executive Director for a non-profit environmental organization.  Identified highly qualified candidate who was a good match for a particular niche of policy, program and management skills. 

Please contact me if you think I may be able to assist you in your work


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